十大娱乐彩票平台 At-A-Glance

都市社区学院成立于1915年,前身是堪萨斯城理工学院, 是密苏里州堪萨斯城最古老的公立高等学府 第一所社区学院是在密苏里州建立的吗. The Junior College of Kansas 城市学院始建于1919年,是美国最早的学院之一 to award associate degrees. 今天,十大娱乐平台排行榜提供120多个副学士学位和证书 programs.




十大娱乐彩票平台将成为堪萨斯城地区的首选大学,所有人都被鼓励 learn, discover and engage. Browse 十大娱乐彩票平台's 2022-2031 Strategic Plan


大都会社区学院由密苏里州的四个主校区组成 大堪萨斯城地区:47座主要建筑,总面积约550英亩. (We also consider 十大娱乐彩票平台-Online a campus.)

十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River
20301 E. 78 Highway
Independence, Missouri 64057

The Blue River campus includes the Public Safety Institute该机构培训执法和消防专业人员.

500 S.W. Longview Road
Lee's Summit, Missouri 64081

十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods
2601 N.E. Barry Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64156


十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley
3201 Southwest Trafficway
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

The Penn Valley campus includes the Health Science Institute, 3444 Broadway, and the Advanced Technical Skills Institute, 2944 Troost Ave.

The college's Administrative Center 就在宾州谷校区东边,3200 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111. 十大娱乐彩票平台's 人力资源部等办公室都设在 Broadway Plaza building, 3217 Broadway, which is owned by the College.

What to call us

大都会社区学院是一所拥有四个主校区和mcc在线的学院 campus. 当提到一个单独的校园时,我们说大都会社区学院-宾夕法尼亚大学 山谷,大都会社区学院,朗维尤等., not "Penn Valley Community College" or "Longview Community College.“在第二次参考资料中:中冶-佩恩谷,中冶-朗维尤, etc.


  • Number of credit students, Fall 2022: 13,164 (end of semester)
  • Number of credit students, Fall 2021: 14,148 (end of semester)
  • 2022-23学年,参加学分课程的“非重复”学生人数: 17,512

Enrollment by campus, Fall 2022

  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River: 2,081
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview: 3,248
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods: 3,768
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Online: 5271(包括在校内上课的学生)
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley: 3,510

Student profile, Fall 2022

  • 7,827 female students (59 percent); 5,336 male (41 percent)
  • 7,625 part-time students (58 percent); 5,539 full time (42 percent)
  • Average student age: 23. Median age: 20
  • About 39 percent of 十大娱乐彩票平台's student body are students of color.
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台 students collectively received over $27 million in grants and scholarships in 2021-22.


  • Number of employees (as of Nov. 1, 2022): 2,341*
  • Full-time employees: 715人(其中专任教师约215人)


Employees by campus

As of July 2022; includes part-time positions but not student workers

  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River: about 400
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview: about 490
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods: about 470
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley: 约625人(包括卫生科学研究所和高级技术技能研究所)
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台 Administrative Center/Broadway Plaza: 约510人(包括十大娱乐平台排行榜劳动力和经济发展部员工以及世纪挑战在线) staff and faculty)

Board of Trustees

大都会社区学院受托人委员会负责受托监督 of the college district. 六名委员代表不同地区(街道) 十大娱乐彩票平台税区的代表,任期6年. The current board president is Trent M. Skaggs (Subdistrict 1). Vice president is Jermaine Reed (Subdistrict 2). Other trustees are Barbara Washington (Subdistrict 3), Holmes Osborne (Subdistrict 4), Ellen Martin (Subdistrict 5) and Chris Benjamin (Subdistrict 6).

Executive Cabinet

  • Kimberly Beatty, Ed.D.7月1日成为大都会社区学院第八任院长, 2017.

    The Executive Cabinet also includes:
  • John M. Chawana, Ph.D.副校长,机构情报,规划和转型
  • Ellen Crowe, Ph.D., interim president, 十大娱乐彩票平台-Maple Woods
  • Gabriela Flores多元化、公平和包容,以及首席多元化 officer
  • Sandra Garcia, J.D.首席法律顾问兼副校长,负责法律事务和机构合规
  • Sue Gochis负责学生成功和参与的副校长,以及十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River的总裁
  • Tyjaun A. Lee, Ph.D.,临时副校长,行政服务
  • Rosemary Martin, chief human resources officer
  • Thomas W. Meyer他是副校长、教学兼首席学术官,也是mcc在线的总裁
  • Larry Rideaux Jr., Ed.D., acting president, 十大娱乐彩票平台-Penn Valley
  • Kathrine Swanson, Ed.D., president, 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview


  • In-district per credit hour: $121
  • Out-of-district per credit hour: $237
  • 十大娱乐彩票平台 Metro Rate 堪萨斯州约翰逊县、莱文沃思县、林县、迈阿密县和怀恩多特县的学生; $237 (effective Fall 2023 semester)
  • Out-of-state/international per credit hour: $320

Learn more at mikes-painting.com/value

Annual budget

$167 million


大都会社区学院是由 Higher Learning Commission这是一个独立的机构,对19个州的学院和大学进行认证. 十大娱乐平台排行榜最近的HLC认证审核是在2020年. Additionally, several academic programs are individually accredited by other agencies.

Campus highlights

十大娱乐彩票平台-BLUE RIVER因为它位于“蓝河之乡”的中心而得名,包括公众 安全学院,里面有警察和消防学院,还有新的蓝河东 大楼,中冶的公用事业线工,CDL和仓储项目的家,以及 Great Plains OSHA Education Center. The nearby Precision Driving Center is a 54-acre 复杂的完成城市驾驶课程和防滑垫,培训公共安全 还有交通专业人士和学生司机. Cybersecurity is a nationally recognized Blue River degree program. 每年春天,校园里都会举办All for the Children, 一个健康家庭资源博览会,包括寻找复活节彩蛋. 十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue River is also home to the Metropolitan Chorale of Kansas City. 十大娱乐彩票平台 Wolves sports programs housed at Blue River: men's and women's soccer.

十大娱乐彩票平台-LONGVIEW 俯瞰朗维尤湖,坐落在由木材大亨R.A. Long. 校园包括全国著名的汽车技术项目和 the Longview Cultural Arts Center. Thousands attend 十大娱乐彩票平台-Longview's Flights of Fancy 每年春天的大型风筝节,共同阅读计划鼓励校园 和社区阅读和讨论值得关注的书籍. 十大娱乐彩票平台 Wolves sports programs housed 在朗维尤,有男子和女子越野赛、女子排球、男子和女子排球 golf.

十大娱乐彩票平台-MAPLE WOODS 它的名字来源于附近的糖枫树. 该校拥有优秀的兽医技术专业、地理信息专业 系统(GIS)程序和外语口译程序. Community education offerings include motorcycle training. MW's Sports Training Center was recently expanded and is now home to the campus Fitness Center. 十大娱乐彩票平台 Wolves sports programs housed at Maple Woods: baseball and softball. 

十大娱乐彩票平台-PENN VALLEY, 在堪萨斯城中城的佩恩谷公园附近,拥有一个主要的校园 connected buildings. 校园包括弗朗西斯儿童和青年研究所 发展,卡特视觉艺术和成像技术中心,英国 作为第二语言(ESL)项目和布鲁克斯研究所(以KC社会正义命名) advocate Alvin Brooks). 主校区往南几个街区是健康科学学院 该研究所拥有最先进的设施,拥有十几个医疗保健项目 and the Virtual Hospital. 距离主校区不到2英里的地方是新的Advanced Technical Skills Institute, 2944 Troost Ave., home to several 十大娱乐彩票平台 career and technical programs. 第三届爵士谷音乐节将于9月举行 2023.  宾夕法尼亚谷的十大娱乐彩票平台狼队体育项目:男子和女子篮球.

Media contact

Blake Fry, 816.604.1412, blake.fry@mikes-painting.com

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